
Beauty Remedies For Dry Skin During The Winter

I started a new series on Instagram, combining useful content and photography, and I decided to share the first one on here. Find out how to survive the winter with my top products that will keep your skin hydrated, preventing it from feeling dry and sensitive, in the winter cold. Read more…

8 Easy Beauty Secrets You Don’t Know Yet

We constantly absorb new information, beauty tips, and tricks from everywhere, whether it is browsing Instagram and Pinterest or reading our favourite magazines. Though we all know that busy Career Girls don’t always have time for that while doing super important things with their lives. That is why I have searched through the internet for beauty […] Read more…

How to Get the Perfect Eyebrow Shape

Eyebrows are everywhere and anywhere these days, from runaway models to Instagram #browperfection, eyebrows are the most talked about beauty obsession of our time. Whether you want Cara Delevingne, Kendall Jenner eyebrows, or simply eyebrows that fit your personality, here is how you get them absolutely perfect-looking. Read more…

Fall’s Makeup Favorites

Fall is here! When I think of fall I think of Halloween, lots of good TV series and yellow and orange leafs falling off the trees. Are you excited yet? I know I am. Here are my makeup favorites for fall! My first fall favorite is the Naked 2 eyeshadow palette by Urban Decay. I […] Read more…